Winter Sale Promo for Yorkshire Linen. The campaign for January is going very well, with new adds added to the Google Ads and a January ‘newsletter‘ going out later today! I’m not sure exactly how long this promo will last, but I expect new stock to arrive early Spring.
Big Discounts, Big Advertising Campaign
As soon as the Christmas sales end, the Winter Sale begins! It’s a constant ‘revolving door’ of promotions at Yorkshire Linen Beds & More! We recently introduced a new and updated “Leave your Email Address” campaign on the website and it is working better than we’d hoped! Hundreds of new potential customers have signed over the last few weeks and already are receiving their ‘exclusive’ email offers. The client uses MailChimp for their monthly emails, it’s not the cheapest, but it has the best reputation for deliverability.
The Winter Sale involved the client choosing those products she wanted to discount, then me adding a query to the WooCommerce system discounting those products by a further 20%, on top of any existing discounts. The discount system uses a ‘premium’ plugin to manage discounts as they often get quite complicated.
Yorkshire Linen will often restrict offers to store-only or online-only, plus various special sale prices on individual items and ‘across the board’ discounts on certain groups or categories of products. These offers will frequently need ‘exclusions’ to offers, making for some pretty serious logic in the flow of how discounts are calculated.
It does get complicated, but it’s absolutely worth it! We see almost instant results from these ‘exclusive’ campaigns (I put ‘exclusive’ in quotes, as they really aren’t exclusive, anyone can use the Coupon Codes we generate, just that the email recipients have only direct knowledge of the codes).
Google Ads Campaigns
To complement her existing advertising, the client has decided to push considerable resources into a very locally-focussed campaign with Google. We have a plan to create four campaigns
- A ‘Brand Awareness’ Bed Shop Campaign. One of Google’s ‘Display Network’ campaigns, the aim here is simply to uphold the name of the company. These campaigns are inexpensive, with some client keepsing just a few quid a day keeping their name ‘out there’, so to speak.
- A ‘Pay per Click’ Campaign for Beds & Mattresses. This one is only just created and still, in part, in moderation. I’m keen to keep the cost per click down on this one, at least for the moment, until I’m happy the campaign has been running for a week, or so, to get some good data. I’m mindful of the many competing bed shops in the area, and just how quickly pay per click campaigns can get out of hand.
- One of Google’s New “Performance Max” Campaigns. This is a bit of a tester and as yet, only half-written. While I’m always keen to try the new toys Google will throw at me, sometimes it’s just easier to do what you know works. We shall see, I’m excited to see the outcome of this.#
- A Youtube Video Campaign. The company made a particularly good video, featuring one of the owners and a few of the staff. I was told it was NOT cheap, but they are happy with the outcome and I’m now in the process of adding to whatever I can, including this Youtube campaign.
I’m happy with these four campaigns, but will of course, be keeping an eye on performance and suggestions from Google to improve ROI – because ultimately, that’s all that matters!
Local Newspaper Advertising

The client advertises in two of the largest newspapers on the Costa del Sol, Euro Weekly News and SUR in English.
Both ads are full page and serve not only as a means to advertise any offers or discounts, but are really more about the constant reminder to any potential customers out there. “You may not want a bed today, but you’ll want one soon… and our name will pop in to your head the moment you do!”
These ads follow a fairly strict format, with an ever-changing theme that suits the promotion.
The client has a good relationship with both newspapers and for many years, these ads have been a constant on the Costa del Sol. I’m happy the client does have a very solid name amongst not only the ex-pat Irish and English, but with the local Spanish population too.